Thursday, December 11, 2008


Energy source

The way to get more energy in your life is to use it. Get yourself started, and you'll get the energy flowing. The most powerful and sustainable energy does not come from outside sources. The energy you use to effectively get things done comes from the purpose that is inside you.
When you're engaged in something truly meaningful, there's no need to search for the energy to do it. That energy is with you in great abundance.

To plug any activity into your energy source, connect it to your authentic purpose. When you know without a doubt why it is important, you'll find everything necessary to get it done.
The more useful and valuable things you do with your life, the more energy you'll have available for even greater accomplishments. Take a small step forward, and you make a bigger step possible.

Put the energy you have into meaningful pursuits. And you'll soon be making even more.

State of focus

To be highly effective in what you do, enter a special state of being that you can create with your own intention. Enter a state of focus. In this state, trivial outside events do not have the power to distract or annoy you. You simply accept them, move past them, and continue working on what's truly important to you.

In your focused state, there is no hesitation or worry about getting it wrong. You move ahead with steady, persistent efforts, knowing that even the mistakes will lead to learning and improvements.
Always with you in your state of focus is a clear and authentic sense of purpose. The energy to keep going and to keep focused comes from remembering why.

When you are focused you are curious, flexible, and open to new ways of creating value. At the same time, you're able to keep yourself solidly on track toward the specific goals you have chosen.

Enter a peaceful, powerful focused state. And make good things happen for your whole world.

Get on with life

Some people are not going to like you no matter what you do or what you say. Get over it and get on with life.
Some of your efforts are not going to bring the results you were after. Accept it and find another approach.
Occasionally you'll be distracted and knocked off course for a while. On a regular basis, life will have its disappointments.

Those disappointments and distractions do not have to stop you. In fact, you can choose to let them inspire you and to push you forward. No matter what has just happened, you are free in this moment to act with positive purpose. Whether the past has worked in your favor or not, the future is yours to create as you wish.
Life is too important to waste it feeling sorry for yourself or beating yourself up.

Get up and get on with life, and make it match your highest expectations.

A new world

Today you have the chance to create a new world. For life is constantly changing, and in those changes there is always great opportunity. Think carefully about exactly how you would like your life and your world to be. Create a dream that is authentically you.

Feel the reality of that dream in the depth of your spirit. Then feel the energy with which you will make it real.
Change is always happening, so choose to make change your friend. Hold tightly to the steady values that have always meant so much to you, while finding new and fulfilling ways to express those values.

Do not rely on others to change your life for the better, because you are the person who knows what you value most and who is best able to make it happen. Commit yourself to seeing the positive possibilities in every turn of events, and then do the work necessary to make those possibilities real.

Life is filled with much goodness and you can make it even better.

Every up, every down, every new development is your opportunity to positively change the world.

Get to work

Hard work is easy compared to the alternative. For the alternative is a life without meaningful accomplishment or fulfillment. Effort can be difficult, time consuming and inconvenient. And yet, the rewards created by diligent, focused effort make all that effort well worth the trouble.

Effort brings lasting value out of troublesome situations. Effort puts your dreams into action and makes them real.
When you're wondering how to get what you want, the answer is usually simple. Get to work.
Life is always overflowing with abundance. Through your efforts you express that abundance in personally meaningful ways.

There is always work to be done for those who are willing to do it.

Be willing, get to work, and enjoy the immense value that your efforts create.

Whatever may come

What can you do when the situation gets worse? You can improve. Life throws many challenges at you. And you always can respond in a positive, effective way. It is wise to plan for the future and to prepare for the future. Yet there is no need to worry about the future.

Because whatever the future may bring, you will find an answer for it. Whatever events may transpire, you can craft a powerful and successful response that will move your life forward. It may indeed be very difficult. And in transcending that difficulty, you have the opportunity to find great fulfillment.

Dream big dreams that resonate perfectly with who you are, and know that you will reach them.

For whatever may come, you can make it work for you.

Actually do

The results you achieve are not based on what you plan to do or what you say you'll do. Your results come from what you actually do. The rationalizations and excuses you make will not add any value or quality to your life. Your actions are what truly make a difference.

To get where you wish to go requires more than just talking about it. To get where you wish to go requires focused, sustained effort. And the great thing is, you're perfectly capable of making whatever effort is necessary. You must simply choose to actually do it.

No one can reach real fulfillment on your behalf. The life you experience is the life you create for yourself.
There are so many possibilities to choose from, and so many opportunities to make life great through the actions you take. Now is the moment to actually do it.

The path to true happiness

What is the path to true happiness? How far must you go to find happiness? You need not go very far at all. For happiness is always inside you, ready whenever you are. No object, no person, no circumstance will make you happy. You are always happy when you decide to be.

The good things in life do not cause happiness. It is precisely the other way around. Allow happiness to flow out from you, and the good things in life will surround you and fill your world. Choose to be happy, with no conditions imposed upon that happiness, and you'll create the ideal conditions for your life.

Happiness is a beautiful gift you can give yourself no matter what.

Give it freely and it will change your world.

Conditions change

Conditions change all the time. What you could depend on yesterday, might very well be gone today.
What once worked so well for you, will eventually fail to bring the results you seek. So when conditions change, you have the valuable opportunity to change along with them.

Life by its very definition is always changing. People who make the most of life are those who expect the changes, welcome them, and find the positive possibilities in each one. When you see changes occurring, instead of making a judgment make a careful observation. You cannot stop the changes that are already taking place, so your best strategy is to find the opportunities that are embedded within them.

And those positive opportunities are most certainly there. Rather than being fearful of the changes, be curious, and you'll see the hidden value in those changes. You can count on the fact that the world will continue to change.

And you can always choose to take the actions that will make those changes be for the better.

Higher expectations

When you discover that you've exceeded your own best expectations, don't be frightened. Be curious, and get a little more ambitious. After all, you've done something you never expected you could do. Think of what else you could now do that you would have never before considered.

Though it's great to succeed beyond your expectations, it can also be very uncomfortable. And that discomfort can pull you back down, getting you to under perform in order to compensate for your recent spectacular performance.
Instead of giving in to that need for comfort, get excited about what you've just accomplished. Instead of bowing to your previous expectations, choose to raise your expectations even higher.

No, you didn't just get lucky. You took the actions necessary to accomplish even more than you had expected.
Now you have the outstanding opportunity to build on that accomplishment. Step boldly forward, don't look back, and continue amazing yourself with all that you can do.